Reiki First Degree Training - (Shoden - Level 1)

1 day Course - IPHM Accredited

£150 (full training, manual, journal, members section on website, continual mentorship)

Have you been wishing to learn Reiki Healing? This may be for your own personal healing or to help those around you. Reiki Level 1, or First Degree, is the starting point for your Reiki Journey and enables you to give Reiki to yourself and to your family and friends.

Join me for this one-day IPHM Accredited course

Full Colour Manual

I have carefully crafted a manual that will enhance your training day and act as a resource tool after your day with me. I’ve sectioned it in to:

  • History - this is an important part of your Reiki journey

  • Theory - graphics, explanations and exercises top build your theortical knowledge of Reiki

  • Practical - colour photographs relating to hand positions for self-Reiki, seated Reiki and a full Reiki Session. Easy to follow breakdowns of how to conduct a healing session, cleansing and protecting yourself and your space, and so much more.


After spending the morning working our way through the key principals and theory, some fun exercises and quizzes the time for the sacred and special moment between you and your Reiki Master where you are attuned with the universal life force energy.

Practical Work - I believe in giving you as much hands-on experience as I can so you leave me feeling confident

I dedicate the afternoon to us working together through self-Reiki, Reiki on another person in a seated position and a full Reiki session on a person laying on a Reiki bed.

Full guidance and tuition will be given using presentations, manuals, discussion and hands-on work.

As a regularly practicing Reiki healer I feel strongly that I can help guide you at the beginning of your Reiki Journey.


This A5 journal will enable you to keep a daily record of your self-Reiki. This is an important part of your growth and development following your Attunement. As the days progress following your Attunement, you may experience changes in how you feel and percieve in many aspects of your life and during your personal Reiki Sessions. By keeping notes, you can see how you are developing. You can also keep a record of both yours and any recipients experiences as you practice.

It doesn’t just stop when you leave…

Fully equipped with your Certificate of Completion, I want to make sure you feel fully supported as you continue with your Reiki.

  • Following your attunement, I will contact you on days: 1, 7, 14 and 21 to see how you are progressing. This is your opportunity to check in with me, ask any questions you may have or share changes you may have felt etc.

  • I will be here as your Mentor for as long as you need me. This is my ongoing commitment to you.

  • You will have access to the Members Section of my website, where you will find useful information, meditations, videos, book reviews, etc.

  • Come and join me and other healers at a Chi-quilibrium Reiki Share…As a student of mine, your first one is free!

There are 2 ways to book:

Click the button to arrange a Thursday or Friday that suits you or,

Book onto one of the pre-arranged dates scheduled throughout the year

Payment options: You can choose to pay the full £150 at time of booking or pay a £50 deposit with the balance due 2 weeks before your course date.

Looking for Reiki Level 2 Training? Click here