Animal Reiki Sessions

Animal Reiki Session - £30 (designed for domestic pets)

We cherish the animals in our care, and sometimes it seems they care for us just as much. They are our companions through joy and sorrow, providing a calming influence that touches our souls deeply and creates an intense bond. We intuitively notice when they are unwell or not themselves. While consulting a vet is always the first step, Reiki can also offer benefits to our animals, serving as a complementary treatment alongside veterinary care or even on its own.

The importance of seeking professional consultations cannot be overstated, and it is something I always recommend. While I am not medically trained and cannot provide diagnoses or cures, I can offer a holistic alternative by working with your pet's frequencies to restore calm and balance.

So what’s involved?

Certainly, each domestic pet is unique. I've had success with both cats and dogs and am willing to work with any type of animal. Pets often have their own plans, and while my goal is to spend quality time with your pet, they may have different ideas, which I fully respect. That's why I find it advantageous to establish a bond with them before our face-to-face meeting. To facilitate this, I send them Distance Reiki and for this process, I will need a photograph of your pet.

Often, when working with animals through Distance Reiki, I've found them to be more open. Owners are frequently astonished during in-person visits when a cat that usually keeps its distance from strangers approaches me, rubs against me, and rolls over to expose its belly. My focus is always on the animal's comfort; I never want to make them feel trapped or threatened, nor do I wish to risk harm from claws and teeth if the animal feels defensive. I approach each client individually, and if it seems appropriate, I may place a hand on the animal. However, many times I remain a short distance away, channeling the healing energy towards them.

I've noticed that animals frequently approach and nudge my hands or lean against me, signaling their acceptance of my actions. Consequently, I adapt my approach to accommodate their needs. You might overhear me quietly conversing with them as we connect on a unique level. If it's alright for me to be alone with them, it can be quite soothing; however, there are times when I might ask you to remain in the room to provide your comforting presence..

When an animal indicates they have had enough, they may walk away or exhibit certain behaviors signaling the session's end. I respect these signs and do not exceed their tolerance, allowing for sessions up to 30 minutes. However, if it ends sooner, such as after 10 minutes, I will proceed with Reiki from a distance or focus on their sleeping area, among other options.

What’s included

  • 1x Distance Reiki Session

  • 1x Face-to-Face visit (up to 30mins)

  • 1x Additional follow-up Distance Reiki Session (free-of charge) if required

  • Travel up to 10 mile radius of Chi-quilibirum. Beyond this distance will incur the UK standard travel fee charge.

If it's your first session with me, at the time of booking, I'll send you a consent form that includes space for you to detail your reasons for seeking Reiki. We will also discuss this further when we meet.

I cannot guarantee successful results but I am willing to share my Reiki to find out.

Examples include:

  • Calming a domestic dog petrified of thunderstorms

  • Working with pets after operations

  • Healing past traumas

  • Bringing calm to pets at end of life (this can be done completely by distance Reiki so that I don’t intrude on your bond)

Having had cats since the age of two, I've come to cherish the unique frequency of their purr. I often join friends for dog walks and I see the affectionate bond and love in the eyes of dogs for their owners. They offer us so much, and this is our opportunity to reciprocate that healing. Our willingness to do anything for our pets is mirrored in the introductory price of £30.

(If you have equine/bovine/farm stock please contact me for rates.)