About Reiki

What is Reiki

Reiki [ˈreɪki] noun: a healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into the patient by means of touch, to activate the natural healing processes of the patient's body and restore physical and emotional well-being.

Reiki is a Japanese word (pronounced Ray Kee). It’s a word of two parts: Rei meaning ‘sacred’, ‘spirit’, ‘wisdom and knowledge of all of the Universe and Ki is the life-force energy that flows through all living things, including inanimate objects. Reiki can therefore be translated as ‘Universal life-force energy’. In Japan, Reiki describes any form of spiritual energy healing but in the West Reiki refers to a healing technique or practice discovered and developed by a Japanese Buddhist priest Dr Mikao Usui.

It is Dr Usui’s technique of accessing and channeling universal healing energy and passing through my hands to another person or animal that I practice.

So in brief: Reiki healing is a Japanese form of alternative medicine, also called ‘energy healing’ or ‘spiritual healing’. It’s a technique using universal energy to promote holistic wellness of the physical, mental and spiritual well being.

  • Kerry at Chi-quilibrium provides Reiki Sessions to suit you so please visit the Reiki Sessions page to decide what works best for you

  • and to find out about Kerry, there’s a page that you may like to read.

Rei Ki in Japanese calligraphy (kanji)

Rei Ki in Japanese calligraphy


Universal Energy

Many cultures around the world believe in a Universal Energy

A universal force that sustains life and provides energy to all living things. Everything from the stars, atoms, and all living creatures are made from the universal energy. Just imagine everything you see vibrating at its own frequency. A life in balance..

A life in balance


Sometimes we come out of balance due to health issues

Whether this is physical or mental or spiritual. We may not always want to turn to conventional medicine (although there is always a place for it) or we may want a complimentary healing technique to work alongside conventional medicine. Perhaps we just wish to look at healing for ourselves, from the inside.

There are many reasons why people seek Reiki healing.

Let the energy flow


Reiki Healers have received attunements which enable them to act as a channel for the universal energy to flow through them

When the Reiki Healer places her hands on a client, the universal energy will continue its flow and reach the areas that require healing.

It can be an incredibly restful and restorative experience.

“Everything in Life is Vibration” – Albert Einstein
— Albert Einstein