Frequently asked questions

What do I wear?

Wear something that you feel comfortable in.  I will be placing my hands on your fully clothed body including your feet, so some people prefer to leave socks on and wear long trousers rather than shorts.

I don’t like people touching my feet, can I still have Reiki?

Yes of course.  Although my hands rest in the same position for several minutes, I can hover my hands above your feet instead.  The same goes for any other hand placements, the Reiki will still work.

What are the hand placements?

I will go through these with you prior to our first session.  Reiki works with your chakras.  There are key places I put my hands, like cradling your head, placing my hands on your tummy area and placing my hands on your feet.  We can talk about these and make sure you are happy before I start.

What if I don’t have any specific area that needs healing?

The wonderful thing about Reiki is that it can be incredibly relaxing and Reiki will flow to where it is required.  It’s a perfect way to escape the hustle and bustle of life and spend an hour or even just 30 minutes of undisturbed “you” time, whilst benefiting from some healing.  What’s special is that Reiki helps heal the mind, body and soul.  You may not have a physical ailment but perhaps you are struggling with work and need some clarity, or are juggling too many things and want to ease your mind, Reiki healing may be just what you need.

I suffer with anxiety and/or depression, can I benefit from Reiki?

Yes.  Reiki works with the mind, body and soul.  The health of your mind is as important as the health of your body.  I can concentrate more on your head area.

Can Reiki cure me of my back problem?

Reiki cannot “cure”.  The definition of cure is to return to a normal state of health.  Reiki cannot cure but what it can do is promote healing. The definition of heal is to make or become well again.

Are you insured?

Yes.  I have full insurance and I am a member of the IPHM (International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine).

Where are you based?

I carry out my Reiki healing in my home and I am fully insured to do so. As it’s my home, sessions are by appointment only.

When can I book an appointment?

I offer Reiki in the evenings and some Saturday mornings. Please see times on the Book a Session page. I may be able to offer Reiki outside of these times so it’s always worth asking me.

Here is a fact sheet that you may find useful