I am now providing

Re-ignite your Reiki Workshops

to sit alongside Reiki Training at First Degree (Shoden) and Second Degree (Okuden) Levels

3 hour workshop - £65

In recent times there has been an upturn in those looking for a sense of well-being from a holistic source. With that in mind, I have seen a growth in Reiki Healers contact me for a refresher. This could be for a number of reasons:

  • Learnt years ago on a retreat but never used the training

  • Have had a family and are now looking to return to Reiki but don’t have the confidence

  • Unsure of hand positions and how to put a session together

  • Looking to practice again and just need a boost and a mentor to help them get back in to Reiki

There are many reasons and whilst I offer my monthly Reiki Shares, this isn’t the platform for a more in-depth session.

This 3hr workshop is dedicated to you and driven by your needs

This may be

  • Dedicated time running through hand positions for Self Reiki or Reiki on another person (seated or laying down).

  • Perhaps during your initial training, you ran through ‘hands-off’ only so are less comfortable with a hands-on Reiki style

  • (if Level 2) you would like confidence in working with Distance Reiki

  • You would like to provide a full Reiki healing session on someone under the guidance of another healer but are unable to make that happen

  • Are unfamiliar with the latest recommendations for contraindications, etc, you don’t need to re-do the whole training but just wish to feel updated

  • Although not necessary or required, you may feel you wish to receive your Reiki Attunement again to give you a sense of re-connection. I can do this for you.

Copies of my training manual that I use in my Reiki 1 courses are also available for additional purchase with this session if you would like up to date materials that also include photographs of all hand positions.

If this is something that you feel you could benefit from, please click on the button which will take you to the booking page. You will find a section where you can detail what you are looking for. I can provide Re-ignite Your Reiki during Thursday and Friday day times and Saturday mornings