Reiki Second Degree Training - (Okuden - Level 2)

Reiki Second Degree (Level 2)

1 day Course - IPHM Accredited course

£150 (full training, full colour manual, journal, attunement, members section on website, continual mentorship)

This one-day course advances your Reiki journey. It serves as your portal to practicing Reiki professionally, should you choose, or to further your personal Reiki practice and offer Reiki to family and friends.

As a Reiki Level 2 Healer, you will have the ability to obtain insurance for practicing Reiki. I am committed to equipping you with the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to confidently progress in your Reiki practice.

This course will introduce you to:

  • Reiki Symbols - enhancing and opening your connection

  • Distance Healing - provide healing to others not in your physical presence and includes past and future healing

  • The Business of Reiki - should you wish to practice Reiki professionally, I include practical advice

  • Hands-on/off practical work - following your second attunement, you will work on “clients” in a real time situation and use your newly learnt Reiki symbols

  • and much, more


  • You must be a Reiki Level One Healer for at least 6 months (you will be asked to provide your certificate if you qualified outside of Chi-quilibrium)

  • Provide evidence (journal is great) of carrying out Self-Reiki

  • Have provided Reiki to family or friends on at least 9 occasions and have written evidence (journal or Reiki plan).

    This should include repeating Reiki on at least one of these people. Any combination is acceptable, so, for example:

    • you may have worked on 3 people but given them Reiki on 3 separate occasions (9 session total)

    • you may have worked on 9 separate individuals (9 sessions).

    • you may have visited a family member 2 times, a friend 2 times and have 5 other individual sessions that you can show.

There are 2 ways to book:

Click the button to arrange a Thursday or Friday that suits you or,

Book onto one of the pre-arranged dates scheduled throughout the year

Payment options: You can choose to pay the full £150 at time of booking or pay a £50 deposit with the balance due 2 weeks before your course date.

Looking for Reiki Level 1 Training? Click here