Halite Healing - Ocean Plasma Therapy

Halite Healing with Chi-quilibrium

(Ocean Plasma Therapy)

What is Ocean Plasma Therapy

Halite is a natural crystal made by ancient oceans 250 million years ago. You may recognise it as salt rock crystal.

Halite Crystal is a version of the sea containing the molecular matrix of all carbon-based life forms.

Indeed, our origins from the sea mean that many of us find joy in being near it. The negative ions generated by moving water can boost our serotonin levels. Serotonin, a body chemical, facilitates communication between our brain and nerve cells, aiding in mood, sleep, memory, and overall happiness. Thus, the sense of bliss we feel by the sea isn't just in our heads; it's backed by science, with incredible research undertaken by French physiologist Rene Quinto over 100 years ago.

Quinton described similarities between human blood plasma and ocean water and his ‘marine' therapies’ included harvesting seawater to treat all manner of ailments. It’s not that much of a mystery - we only have to look to at UK history to see that Victorian era “took in the sea air” for the amazing healing benefits. Piers were erected, promenades built and eventually Lidos became the fashion.

Imagine if you could capture that feeling in the palm of your hands!

What does that mean for us?

The concept is simple:

The halite is a crystal form of the sea and it holds the molecular plasma of the ocean. If we trace our DNA back and we came from the sea, therefore, by holding the crystal in contact with your skin, the ocean is rebalancing the mineral equilibrium of your body. This can helps your body’s natural repair mechanism, delivering minerals that are low or depleted and you feel the effects quickly.  Believe me, like everything I have tried it and have noticed a difference.

This ocean in your hands can help with:

·         muscle fatigue

·         Reduce tension and stress

·         Improve circulation

·         Increase energy levels

·         Aid sleep

·         Help with temperature regulation

(hormonal changes)

·         Historical sites of trauma

(cannot fix scar tissue)

I've incorporated Himalayan salt rock healing into my Reiki Healing sessions, enhancing the experience with an Ocean Crystal Lamp Foot Spa for additional grounding. In post-session discussions, clients are invited to rest their feet on the heated lamp, which provides nourishment, balance, and a deeper sense of calm and tranquility, complementing the body's natural processes. The feedback from clients has been overwhelmingly positive. With no known contraindications for this therapy, I emphasise the importance of hydration post-Reiki.

I'm excited to further enhance my services with the introduction of Halite Healing therapy. This can be incorporated into your Reiki Healing session or offered as a separate 30-minute healing experience.

Foot Spa Lamp

Have the ocean in your own home

What I love about this therapy is that it doesn’t have to end once you have left my therapy room.

You can have the ocean at home or anywhere you go and even have a submursive bath with halite crystals.

I have a selection of small and large palm stones and bath rocks that you can take away. The palm stones can be used warm or cold so you can keep one in the fridge and if you don’t have a salt lamp to heat your rock on then you can place it in the microwave.

If you would like to purchase a lamp I can order these in for you.

There’s a choice of:

Small (suitable to heat your rocks and have as a lamp) or

Small Foot Spa Lamp (like the one I use)

Large Foot Spa Lamp

Introductory offer

£25 for a 30 min healing session

(allow 1hr for pre and post consultation)


Below, I have outlined some common uses for halite rock healing that can be easily practiced at home. With proper guidance, instructions, and high-quality halite rocks like those I provide, you can alleviate your stress and tension. While holistic therapies are not intended to replace any current treatments or medications, they serve as a complementary addition.

I am not a medical professional and do not make diagnoses. Nevertheless, I can vouch for my personal use of these remarkable rocks, and Ocean Plasma Therapy(c) is supported by field studies and research. I trust you will find as much enjoyment in holding the ocean in your hands as I do.

Anxiety and Stress

Stress is a common experience, and even minor alterations in our body's chemistry can lead to a lack of focus, poor decision-making, and health problems, all exacerbated by the demands of our hectic lifestyles. By applying the warm or cold crystal to the temples and waiting for the effects, you can address these issues. Should sensations arise in other areas of the head, simply move the crystal there until they go. Many report a sense of deep relaxation, and while some may feel slightly lightheaded, it is advisable to continue using the crystal until these sensations fully go and your  balance is restored, giving you a sense of of calm and grounding.

Head and Headaches

Similar to stress alleviation; place the warm or cold crystal on the temple area. Many report a soothing sensation, with headaches fading away swiftly. Move the crystal to any other area indicating tingling or aches.


Similar to our brain, our eyes contain a high amount of protein and are subject to wear and tear from increasing use in activities such as watching TV, using laptops and smartphones, and driving at night. These activities can strain our eyes. Applying a gently warmed crystal over a closed eye, or on the skin beneath the eye for approximately two minutes, can result in a reduction of puffiness and an increase in brightness and clarity of the eyes.

(However, if any discomfort or pain occurs, one should pause the application until it subsides, indicating a deeper repair. Should symptoms continue, consulting a specialist is advised.)

Legs and feet

For many, the feet and legs require significant repair and maintenance. As halite crystals dissolve into the skin, the rock supplies the body's natural repair system with the necessary components to replenish depleted protein material. The effects, which include tingling, pulsing, and sometimes aching for more extensive repairs, are felt rapidly. This process can also reveal any misalignments in posture or gait as minerals are transported via blood vessels to different areas, particularly the lower spine and hips.

Neck and Spine

Whether it's a new strain, an ongoing ailment, or an old injury from a past accident that hasn't fully healed, typically, a warm hand-held crystal is applied to the area where any sensation occurs. Tingling often indicates general wear and tear, whereas aching or pain suggests a need for deeper repair. The crystal should be kept in place until the sensation diminishes. While most discomfort will resolve, persistent aching or pain should prompt further examination by a specialist.

Temperature Regulation

Halite may assist with body temperature and circulation issues. For those experiencing hot flushes, overheating, or slow temperature regulation post-exercise, a cold crystal can absorb heat and enhance thermostatic control, helping to regulate body temperature and provide essential minerals. Conversely, if you feel cold or suffer from circulatory problems, a warm crystal is recommended to attract heat energy and aid in improving circulation.