Pre-packaged Future Reiki: Huh !?!
One of my longest-standing clients, who regularly receives Distance Reiki from me, inquired if I could assist her in achieving early morning balance during a particularly stressful week ahead. Always ready to assist, we discussed the possibility of me sending Pre-Packaged Reiki.
Distance Reiki Bear
For those acquainted with Distance Reiki, you'll know that I typically stay at Chi-Q and transmit the Reiki in real-time to you, my client. Pre-packaged Reiki works in a similar way. My client wished to receive the Reiki at 6:30am but despite my best intentions, I couldn't ensure I would be awake!
How does it work? I engage with the Universal Life Force Energy just as I do in every healing session. I 'tune-in' to the person as usual, but instead of this happening in ‘real-time’ I focus on the specific day and time we've agreed upon and I send the Reiki Healing to that person on that day at that time! I usually choose to send it the evening before the requested date and I tend to send a quick message to say I’ve completed the Reiki, just so they know they are taken care of.
I experience the same sensations during this Distance Reiki as I usually would and I provide feedback as usual after the Reiki has been received. Back to my client; this has been our routine for the past month. My client has maintained her equilibrium and continues to cherish the Reiki she receives!
There are lots of examples where this form of Reiki Healing may be useful for you and here are some ideas:
have an event/appointment that is outside of my usual hours
need a Reiki boost in between your regular appointments with me
feeling low, have a full head - know how well Reiki works with you
I am always trying to meet what you need, both in terms of availability, time and budget. That’s why I have formally included Pre-Packaged Future Reiki to the services I provide, at £15 per session.
How to Book
Booking is slightly different to usual as you are choosing the DAY you want the Reiki but not the time - you will enter the time in the booking form. It will all make sense I promise!!!
So in this example I want Pre-booked Reiki on Saturday 20th April at 6:30pm before a dinner party. I click on the correct date and choose 12am because I know I’m going to complete the time in the booking form. Follow the steps below.
1) Go to the booking page (Pre-packaged Future Reiki)
2) Select the date that you wish to receive the Reiki on
3) Always Click on either time 12:00am / 12:15am / 12:30am
(don’t worry this is not when you will receive the Reiki)
3) On the next page, enter your personal details
4) Give me brief details and
5) tell me what time you would like the Reiki.
If you have not had Reiki with me before, I will send you Client Consent Form by email, for you to complete and return to me BEFORE your session.
(I would recommend that you have a longer Reiki Session with me beforehand if possible.)