Finding balance

Sometimes the key to finding our balance, centring on what’s really important and finding harmony within ourselves, is to just be.

How often do we allow ourselves the time to just sit quietly? Yes I am in a 2,500 year old hut here but the principle is the same. I’m tapping in to myself, the land and allowing complete quietude, switching off my overactive brain and listening.

One of the most common conversations I hear from clients is that they don’t find the time to meditate or simply sit quiet. Dont worry, I am also guilty of this. Somehow, we can all spend 20mins watching reel after reel but we can’t find 10mins to switch ourselves off and actually feel what our body is trying to tell us.

This is another powerful reason why clients love to come to me for Reiki. I enable them to “switch off”. They feel lighter after a session. I hear their breathing change to that beautiful in between state of consciousness. They are aware of “being”. This is one of the many reasons why I absolutely love being a Reiki Healer. To enable a person to switch off is such a gift to me and I am incredibly grateful that I am able to share this with you.

Do take a leaf out of my book and Just Be! If you are unable to find 10-20mins at home then book a Reiki Session with me instead and I will take you on a beautiful relaxing journey that will nourish you and that your body is calling out for. Kerry xx

chi-quilibrium Reiki Healing chiquilibrium Whimple East Devon Chi-Q natural holistic healing Universal Energy A life in balance with reiki Let the energy flow Kerry Powell Reiki Practitioner Chakra balance meditation Reiki East Devon

Pre-packaged Future Reiki: Huh !?!