Tarot Reading

What is Tarot Reading? Myths and Misconceptions

Tarot reading doesn't involve flowing dresses or palm crossing, and incense is purely for ambiance. Tarot originated in Italy as a card game in the 15th century, but other legends link the start to Egypt, India, or China. A Tarot deck has 78 cards: 22 Major Arcana and 56 Minor Arcana, divided into four suits (Pentacles, Swords, Wands, Cups), each linked to an element (Earth, Air, Fire, Water).

During a reading, I intuitively choose a layout based on your question and may use pendulums or other cards as I feel appropriate.

Legal Disclaimer: Tarot readings are for entertainment purposes only and any messages are subject to interpretation and should not be taken as absolute.

Face to Face Tarot Reading - £40

Choose this option to join me in person at Chi-quilbrium for a reading. I use many different types of spread, different cards, and even pendulum work, depending on the question you would like answered.

Online Tarot Reading - £40

Choose this option if you are unable to join me in person. Once you have booked, I will email you with a link to join me online. I use Google Meet and you simply click on the link and that will bring you into the online meeting space with me.

Rapid-Reading - £15

Just want a quick reading to cover a simple question? A Rapid-Reading can give you a quick answer. These can be either in person at Chi-quilibrium or Online - just select the appropriate option below.

Tarot parties are brilliant fun & ideal for something a little different for a birthday or celebration, or you just fancy a night out, share a drink or two and have a tarot reading!

Chi-quilibrium - Centred on spiritual connection and well being