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Tarot Weekend Course

Tarot Weekend Course

An IPHM Accredited course

Saturday 9th April 2022, 10am - 4pm and Sunday 10th April 2022, 10am - 4pm

Coached by Barbara Hennessy of Beacon Tarot

Hosted by Kerry at Chi-quilibrium

£135.00 including lunch on both days

I am delighted that Barbara Hennessy of Beacon Tarot will be coaching the Tarot Weekend. Here’s what Barbara has to say:

“My own psychic and spiritual journey began in the early 70s when I was first introduced to reading cards. As the years went by, my love of psychic and esoteric subjects grew to the point where I am now blessed to be able to pass on my experience and knowledge to others, including the art of Tarot”Join Barbara and I for a full weekend where Barbara will be taking you through from Beginners to Intermediate, ensuring you leave with an excellent working knowledge of Tarot, as well as confidence in your own intuitive skills.

Barbara's style of teaching is fun, informative and always with an emphasis on you finding your own 'path'. I can personally vouch for this course and that's why I am so over the moon to be hosting the weekend at Chi-quilibrium.

Day 1 - Saturday

There is mystery and misunderstanding surrounding Tarot so the best place to start the course is with a brief history, including the Witchcraft Act, how to cleanse, store and care for your cards, including infusing your energy into the cards and how to choose the best deck for you.

We will be studying the Rider Waite Deck and throughout the day, you will have plenty of hands on time getting to know the cards and understanding the Major Arcana, Minor Arcana, elements, basic symbolism.

By the end of the day you will be preparing for your readings and layouts and that’s just the beginning!!!Item description

Day 2 - Sunday

We will spend time improving your technique and gaining confidence in their readings. We will achieve this together by looking deeper into the the inner symbolism of the cards along with additional working tools to enhance your skills as an intuitive Tarot reader.

You will learn about Significators, how to choose a Significator and its use. We will also delve into the personalities within the Court Cards, how to accurately assess the star signs, elements and attributes of the Court Cards.

We have all heard about Card Reversals, so today we can talk about the pros and cons and introduce reversals into the readings you will carry out.

With further insights into Symbolism and more Layouts, Day 2 is going to be epic, fun and achievable.

This Tarot course is accredited by IPHM (International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine) and on successful completion of the course you will be presented with your certificate, recognising the work you have carried out.

What's included

All equipment will be provided throughout the 2 day weekend and you will get to keep the full colour workshop handbook. There will be spare decks to borrow on the day for those who do not have a deck of Rider Waite Cards or forget to bring them.

As we will be so engrossed in the world of Tarot, we will provide a catered buffet lunch each day.

A non-refundable deposit of £50 will secure your place (min. 4 students) with balance due by 1st April. Please note accommodation is not included.

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